Thursday, 5 May 2011

Evalution - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt that the technologies of media products have rapidly increased and that many Conglomerate Institutions use the best technology to make their high quality film and to make sure it is successful. I have learnt that many institutions have to use a range of cameras and computer effects/designs to create a film and to make it more realistic for the target audience. In our filming process we only used one camera final cut for our editing.
I have learnt that the media relies on technology to make their films to the best quality, without technology such as Internet access, HD cameras, 3D cinema/TVs, audiences cinematic view would be rubbish, and therefore, cinemas and films wouldn't gross revenue and make a profit after production. It is hard to produce a film with the minimum amount of technology, with out the final cut on the Mac's that we used we wouldn't be able to edit our final production and start to make it into a whole clip. I have learnt the difficulty of using the minimum amount of technology to produce the opening of our full product. I have learnt that we are surrounded by technology from small gadgets to big gadgets and the also we are surrounded by masses of media from television to computers. Without technology we wouldn't have any media institutions or any film productions, we are so dependent on media in the modern society, the world revolves around it.

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